
Brabantsedag newspaper: 95.000 copies!

Next week the Brabantsedagkrant 2019 will be published in a circulation of no less than 95,000 copies.

The tabloid-sized newspaper contains all the ins and outs of the 62nd Brabantsedag on Sunday 25 August 2019 in Heeze: from the 16 carbuilder groups and the story in their towering, rolling theatre creations to the possible creators, and from all musical and theatrical performances to the ambassadors and lots of practical information about the biggest theatre parade of the year.

The newspaper is distributed door-to-door:

Heeze, Loan, Sterksel, Geldrop, Mierlo, Valkenswaard, Dommelen, Borkel en Schaft, Someren, Someren Eind, Someren Heide, Asten, Ommel, Maarheeze, Soerendonk, Gastel, Budel, Budel-Dorplein, Budel-Schoot, Nuenen (5672 and 5673), Gerwen, Nederwetten, Waalre, Aalst, Veldhoven, Riethoven, Westerhoven, Bergeijk and Luyksgestel.

Want to read the paper online? Click on the image below

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