It's actually impossible to predict the outcome of the 65th Brabantsedag parade. Everything comes together on the last sunday of August, and it all has to work: the float, the performance, the music, the audience's reaction...
But we're going to do it anyway! Host Maarten van der Velden draws three true Brabantsedag experts out of the tent: Sven Kuijsten, Amancio Smulders, and our sidekick Dirk van Gaal. Amancio is even an experienced predictor, as for years, he wrote down his top 3 predictions a few weeks in advance, sealed them in an envelope, and hung it up at the construction site. According to him, he was often spot-on...
Which groups are strong in conveying the theme this year, might surprise us with their technical prowess, or are likely to score high with their performance? And, of course, the key question: who might just walk away with the title of Overall Winner?
All of this is based solely on what Sven, Amancio, and Dirk know right now, just a few days before the parade. They've studied the float designs and their descriptions, combed through social media, and even visited a few fellow builders' tents (because that's quite common nowadays).
It's pure speculation, of course. But so much fun! And will they be right?
Listen to the podcast on Spotify, under "Paradepraat."