
The Clarisses do their best (and the weather gods do the rest)

Tradition: Sausage for the Poor Clares who pray a novena for good weather on the last Sunday of August.

This year, Renno Guitjens, a board member of the Brabantsedag Foundation, reached out to the Poor Clares: "We are, of course, happy to keep such traditions alive, and we are honored that the Poor Clares are including us in their prayers again."

Although past results do not guarantee future outcomes, the annual gift is still given - including not only fresh sausage from Heeze itself but also an envelope with a contribution - as compensation for a good-weather novena.

The prayers seem to be answered; the weather apps are showing sunshine and 20 degrees for Sunday, August 25...

Read the full story about this beautiful tradition by our own Brabantsedag-wiki Geert Hamers here: brabantsedag.nl/nl/clarissen.

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