
Brabantsedag Heeze proud at their new ambassadors

HEEZE - As of this year Brabant Day can count on the support of a growing group of ambassadors.

Previously, Brabantedag worked every three years with a well-known Brabander as cultural envoy. This year started with the formation of a club of ambassadors: BN'ers and BB'ers who are fans of Brabantedag Heeze, so with the red and white heart in the right place. The first sounding names are known.

No less than the Commissioner of the King Wim van de Donk - who has been a regular guest at Heeze for a number of years - is prepared to be a Brabant day ambassador. This also applies to the mayor of Heeze-Leende Paul Verhoeven, author Wim Daniëls and former cultural envoys and musicians Björn van der Doelen and Gerard van Maasakkers.

The ambassadorship fits within the refined set-up of 'The biggest theatre parade of the year', which in the coming years will make Heeze one big open-air theatre on the last Sunday of August. Brabant's Day Heeze is thus embarking on a new path in order to be prepared for the future after sixty years.

The last weekend of August was already the domain of the well-attended, sky-high rolling theatre parade (35,000 visitors during the anniversary edition in 2017). Now there is a day-long program with music, theatre, art, entertainment and entertainment for young and old from 10.00 to 19.00 hours linked. This programme takes place on various Atmosphere & Taste Squares along the parade course, where hospitable catering in various make-up and styles can also be found.

Brabant Day will thus be an experience, the full day out, which will be spread even more widely by the ambassadors.

Thousands of volunteers are involved in the Brabant Day Heeze, from the local community as well as from outside. Unpaid but professional, they create a highly appreciated annual event rooted in history, tradition and the community. The visitor survey conducted last year showed a score of 9.1. With the new set-up, the organization wants to continue to score so high in the coming years, also outside Southeast Brabant and grow to 40,000 guests in 2022.

Access and grandstand tickets for the event can be ordered online on brabantsedag.nl/tickets (children up to the age of 12 have free access).

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