Heeze - On Friday, August 17, Brabantedag Heeze keeps an authentic tradition alive: then a sausage is delivered to the (vegetarian!) sisters Clarissen, who pray a novena for good weather on the last Sunday of August.
The task invariably falls to newly appointed board members of the Brabantsedag. This year, the board member and head of Parade Frank van Lierop will be making the way to the monastery. Although past performance is no guarantee for the future, the annual gift is strictly adhered to - with, in addition to the fresh sausage from Heeze itself, an envelope with content - as compensation for a beautiful weather novena.
Hopefully the nine day prayer to the 'weather gods' will make for a radiant paradeday on Sunday, August 26th!
Read the whole story about this beautiful tradition of our own Brabantsedag wiki Geert Hamers here: brabantsedag.nl/clarissen